About Captain Kidd Rod & Gun Club
To teach and promote, the safe use of firearms, the proper methods of angling and archery, to instruct and encourage conservation of wildlife and fish, to promote sportsmanship and comradeship in the outdoors sporting fraternity.
Indoor Range
Guests welcome if accompanied by a member.
Guests must sign in with legible name and include name of sponsoring member.
Indoor Range fee - Members $2.00 per session.
Guests $10.00 -per visit includes insurance.
Outdoor range Skeet shoot ,
Members / Non-members $20.00 for 1 round (20 Clays) this includes ammunition.
We shoot STEEL SHOT ONLY which is available on premisses for 12g & 20g.
You are welcome to bring your own ammunition but it must be an approved Skeet load and Steel shot.
$15 per round with own ammunition.
Proof of membership may be requested by any member.