Disclaimer: Captain Kidd Rod and Gun Club will not be held responsible for any loss or injury, financial or physical, related to any transactions made through this forum.
Any listings that do not adhere to the following rules will be delete:
1. Only items that relate to the club can be posted, including but not limited to
Sporting apparel
2. Items are to only be owned by the seller
3. Haggling to be done in a private conversation, not on the forum
4. All Government regulations must be followed in both buying and selling of any item requiring
licensing. Such as PAL, PALR, etc.
5. Any profanity, bullying or inappropriate/offensive behaviour will not be tolerated
6. We recommend any transaction to be done face to face and in the presence of a witness, such as
another club member
7. No personal information shall be used on the forum, such as phone numbers, email addresses or
credit card numbers. It is recommended to arrange to meet at the club, preferably during an
organized shoot or meeting, such as the end of month skeet shoot or club meeting. Please refer
to the calendar on the main website for these dates.